Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Things that make you go hmmmmmmmm.....

For instance, THIS?

Sorry, it's a fuzzy iphone picture but???????!!!!!!!! Really??????

This trap was set. BY MY KIDS! In our back yard. To catch animals. Because, well, they can. And they wanted to. And because, well, they have no TV to entertain them so they create their own entertainment. 

Apparently, when I clean out the fridge and have a spoiled item and say, "Go toss this in the woods, kids." They bait the trap (it's no kill... back off PETA!). and wait. Sigh.......

Many an innocent creature has fallen victim to it...... this particular critter "stayed with us" for 3 days.... I noticed gibblets missing from the fridge..... but then they said, "Mom, we should release the opposum. He's been getting rained on for 3 days." WHAT?!?!!?!?!? 

In my defense, I was vaguely aware that he was there (I just forgot to tell Rex to release him until day 3.) and the kids HAVE been properly trained to operate this contraption and they don't let Warrior near it..... yet. They do know to stay WAY away from any wild animal. They are not in any actual danger by doing this. It just always amazes me that they've done it.... AGAIN?!

Tom Sawyer would be proud...... Huck would egg him on in his next attempt.


Anonymous said...

I can make it out. I like!!!

Tara said...

Was that last paragraph the fine print/disclaimer? I love what all my kids try to catch although I don't care for them once they are caught!