Saturday, August 7, 2010

IT'S OVERRRRRR! now, let's start over :D

Yep, I just closed the book on CAT5's for last year, raced to get them in the mail and now, I'm gettin' in gear for next year to start on Monday! I know, I know, I said I was going to start last week.... :D homeschooling can be flexible when you need an extra week to do CAT5's! But, sadly, that used my flex time for first semester so.... don't get sick kiddos! You can do school in between throwing up! hahaha (just KIDDING! no, really, don't get sick)

So, thank you Tara, I'm going to post what goes on around here and up the accountability level in my life! (She does this a lot... I like it! Keeps me on my toes!) THIS, dear friends, is why I never answer the phone and frequently forget what day it is!

First Semester Schedule:

6:30 am... everybody up and getting that day's responsibilities done (at the bottom:D)
7:00          eat breakfast and clean it up!
7:30          take the dog for a walk
8:00          Bible History (We are reading through the Bible together... I read, they draw. It works.)
8:30          I work with Electron on Math/Grammar/Writing/whatever. The other kids do cursive      copywork/math speed drills/copy spelling words/read/write a letter once a week
9:30          Math with the other 3 (Electron works on his own)
11:00        Grammar/Phonics/Writing with the other 3
12:30        quick lunch
1:00          review Classical Conversations work
1:30          Mon: Science experiments Wed/Thur/Fri Story of the World History
2:30          Reading (out loud to me)
3:00          Presentation work if needed... playtime when all school and responsibilities are completed
4:00          start cooking dinner
5:30          race to piano/football
8:00          get home/shower/eat a snack/go to bed

***rinse and repeat! yes, I know Tuesdays are left off of the above schedule. That's the day we meet with our homeschool group. We also have lego team for Electron every Friday morning... so school's on the road that day! Whew! I'm tired already!  Good thing I love what I do!

Hopefully I'll get some pictures of my school room posted and the kids actually doing said school work! We'll see.

If you're curious, here's our responsibilities list:
They each take a day doing one of the following chores: laundry/kitchen helper/pet care/trash-vacuum-bathroom. Then on Friday, we all work together to get it all done and we focus on cleaning out the car, sweep the carport, cleaning our rooms... that kind of stuff. And yes, I DO make my kids do their own laundry! If you can read, you can do laundry! If you're curious. yes, I have my own set of responsibilities to do! I SCRUB bathrooms on Monday, work on lesson plans and do my blog post for Classical on Tuesday, detail clean kitchen and clean out fridge on Wednesday, dust and declutter on Thursday, and do the vacuuming and my own laundry on Friday. :D I may be a slave driver but I drive myself too. And NO- my house is NOT anywhere NEAR perfect. It's not about perfection, it's about progress! We'll get there one day, I want to enjoy the ride. This just helps keep us sane, semi-clean, and helps me teach responsibility along the way....

1 comment:

Tara said...

Oh, this is what I like to see. I have a fascination with what other peopel do all day! And I am going to feel really bad if I can't manage to increase my students from one to two this year. You are superwoman!