Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Updating! finally.

Sorry folks. Life got crazy around here and I haven't done the "better job" at updating that I promised. Sorry grandfolks. :(

Well, here's some pictures of Ondepenya's birthday party way back in May. He had a blast. We were so sad that one of his dear friends could not join us but he did have several other dear friends come. Add to that Rex (king of all fun), 3 siblings, and the fur child that barked from downstairs all night and we all had a blast! The theme of course was "bugs" and "gross" and "all things boy".

Please ignore the boxes in the pictures. I am unpacking but since I'm expecting at every turn that God will just put the keys to a house in our hands, I'm unpacking slowly out of precaution that I'm just going t end up re-packing! Don't laugh at me.

gift bags full of boy toys and gummy worms, "transformers" plates/cups, pizza boxes from the oh-so-healthy dinner we had, and a radio because we jammed!!!

make -your-own cupcakes,  complete with worms. let me just tell you, the Bama/Puffle had a blast licking the floor after all those kiddos decorated their own cupcakes with EVERYTHING in my baking cabinet!!!

message received without even sending it! what birthday is complete with out gifts of new bug catchers and robotic tarantulas???? seriously! all boys must think alike. :D
Warrior "breakin' it down". We had a dance contest. This kid is sooooooooo related to his momma!

The surprise of the evening was Electron cuttin' HIS rug!!!  Didn't know the kid had it in him. LOVED it!!!! He's got moves too.  So cute.

Anyhow, they watched a football movie and stayed up until 2am. They had an absolute blast and I'm so thrilled that he FINALLY got his party.  He waited a long time for it.

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