Wednesday, June 30, 2010

EWWWWW- YUCK! and other things

Well, I'm dashing off to get the kids from VBS so this is going to be short. It would be anyhow because I am just too sad anyhow. I've put off posting this since June 15.

Our precious beloved Bama Puffle got sick and left us before I could even get him to the vet. We are still expecting to hear his "click, click" on the hardwood floors. I still look to see where he is before I step out of bed, Cooking is breaking my heart because he's not in my way trying to catch crumbs. :D heheeh, he ALWAYS stood between me and the stove top!

The kids call for him, they miss him, they cry for him. He was a fixture in every aspect of our lives and his absence in tangible. This is the last picture I took of him. I was cleaning and unpacking my bedroom and he was "helping". Sorry the camera was out of focus a bit but it was just too funny to pass up.

and the ewwww gross part?  That would be "silver". The snake that the kids found in the garden and kept in an aquarium.... until it slithered away..... and then we later found shriveled and crispy by the basement door "trying" to get out.... yeah.... ewwwwww! Dead snakes are better than live ones, mama always said. lol

ew, yuck. I miss my Puffle.

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