I always seem to "cotton" (as Granny would say) to the posts my friend
Tara does! This post and the
next one and the one coming up probably too..... says my heart so much better than I ever could.
Obviously, my/our story is different from hers but my heart for saving is the same. My irritation at the level of "entitlement thinking" in our household is right there too!
Though I haven't posted about our school year yet (coming with pictures.... one day I'll make good on these promises!), one of the things I started got very quickly yanked today! Distinct possibility/probability of not restarting too.
Back in May when I went to tutor training and had to leave the younguns' home alone to do their school, I left treats for them as they finished each assignment. As a, well, treat. (Bribe. Yes, I bribe my chittlin's too frequently.) It worked well. Everything got done in record time and they liked it and so I thought... well, why not? The treats were trifles: popcorn, dollar candy to share, 30 minutes of Webkinz time.... you get the idea. No harm, right?
Fast forward to today. An un-named youngun retrieved said treat and immediately remarked, "Is that ALLLL?" insert rolling of eyes. The "ALLLLLL" was a bag of pop-its. Ya know, those things you throw on the ground that make the firecracker sound? They were cool I thought. Good go outside and torture each other stuff!
Yeah, privilege yanked without further negotiation. No treat bags tomorrow either. Maybe not again.
The attitude of INgratitude is getting to me. I look at myself and wonder....... how has this seeped into my own behavior? They get it from somewhere. The classical model of teaching is thick with the notion of modeling behavior..... what am I modeling?
It makes me wonder, even if I am truly grateful on the inside.... is it showing on the outside?
Ok, I'm off on a soapbox. :) Sorry. Her post about saving and how it translates into the American attitude of "I deserve it" just chewed my heart up and I just had to share it! School will be fun tomorrow, today we started to design our family crest/code/motto/scriptures to live by. :D Thoughts to ponder, thoughts to ponder.