Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Do you remember the theme song from the Mickey Mouse Club?  I think it ended with something along the lines of , "Why? because we like you!"

Well, that's what's playing in my head right now. NOT because someone likes me but because I want to know WHYYYYYYYY! :D

You see, I just took the kids to pick huckleberries off of a tree to make a pie for dinner. I'm a good mom, right? Well, we got back and discovered that Bama Puffle, dear sweet (might soon be killed) dog that he is, knocked a bowl of spaghetti off of the counter. Why? Well, he's a dog, they do that.

So, great mom that I am, I give the kids instructions on how to clean it up and go off to breathe deep and count to 10. I know I'll have to finish the job but hey, adults in training right?

After a few seconds I decide to go in and help with the last little bit of clean up to model how to finish up a job right..... classical education in practice.  hahaha

I'm holding my breath, laughing my head off, and counting to 10 AGAIN as I type. I came around the corner to find the 3 youngest kids SKATING IN THE SPAGHETTI!!!!!!!! The dog was having so much fun with this.

Sorry, no pictures because I didn't think I could manage that too...... 

:D still smiling, see? :D

sigh, I give up. Kids in shower- check. Dog locked in closet- check. Mom going to clean up THE ENTIRE KITCHEN IN PEACE IN QUIET WHILE KIDS DESTROY BATHROOM DURING SHOWER- check.

Any questions why I renamed this Harrell Hijinks? I mean, we've already gotten a dozen other bruises today, what's a measly spaghetti mess to top it off? It's only 4:00, heaven help me!

PS I forgot the best part... lol... they were SWEEPING  it up!!!  Yeah, the broom got a shower too. Fun times, fun times.


Tara said...

This week has been a rough one for me, but I think you win the award!

Six in the Mix said...

I'm glad you laughed. I don't know that I would have.