Saturday, April 14, 2012

Someone else said it too....

Warning, this is not a happy, happy, joy, joy warm and fuzzy post. A very precious friend of mine has suffered yet another loss. I won't go into details- they are her details to share- in her words. I encourage you, especially if you do not understand from your own experience, to read around on her blog. She is very real and honest.

Anyhow, today she posted something that expresses my heart in better words than I could ever hope to have.

For those of you that have felt the sting of loss, in whatever form-even the unspoken ones that are only told by your eyes, my heart aches with you and the Lord frequently brings you to mind. Even when I do not tell you, I DO pray. Only one thing do I know for sure..... HE knows. HE cares.

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