Thursday, January 5, 2012

Hello, my name is Melissa. I'm a serial checklist maker.

Yes, a 12 step program is probably needed. My year has started with so many checklists floating around that I need a list to keep up with my lists. Please excuse my serious absence from blogging. There are lists, er, children, to be tended to.....

We had a crazy Christmas break and, sadly, we did not get everything done that we needed to do. We have rooms still to be organized and playdates that never materialized. I am tempted to be sad about this but I am  not because we DID watch lots of movies with Daddy. We DID sleep in ...a lot. We DID make lots of yummy baked goods. We DID enjoy being lazy and going with the flow. Yes, my first week back to school has been quite unorthodox and way to unpredictable for my liking and a bit too scattered for the children to feel at ease BUT, though we still have one more day in our week, we HAVE gotten done what is the most important to do- we started reading the New Testament together. If all else fails, we have been successful.

Oh yeah, we had a marvelous zip through Montgomery to see everyone. It was glorious to actually put my feet in the homes of those we love. There were so many people to see that we only had about 2 days in each house but they were rich days full of laughter, picture taking, good food, and memory making. And everyone got to snuggle with Snowflake. She's crawling now by the way! I have no pictures because I never got to take the camera out of the car but Rex's iphone and Electron's Christmas gift (he got his own camera- thank you Mr. Rex) documented the trip and one of these days I'll share but for now..... I have to check "Hug kids" off my list. Don't laugh. At one point I actually had this on my checklist! I don't feel too bad though. I know a man that has a 5:30 alarm on his iphone to "hug wife". She appreciates the hug when he actually reads his iphone and remembers it too.! :D