Saturday, October 15, 2011

Call me Fairy Godmother......

.....,the one from Shrek 2, she said, "Someone get me something deep fried and covered in chocolate." Ever since I heard her utter those words, my heart has coveted the delicacy. Only I wanted it the other way around, deep fried chocolate..... I googled it.... I almost tried to make it.... but then I saw it!   $2: funnel cake battered then fried Milky Way bars....... ahhhhhhhh, bliss. Happy Fairy Godmother.

I WILL be making this on my own. Many times. Starting now. Oh yeah, the kids cleaned up with a 3/$5 deal on candied apples and yeeeeeees, Rex would never dream of leaving a place that sells funnel cakes without eating one. Electron scored a caramel apple. We're not big fair people (ok- they're not big fair people, I could live there.) and we've never really done the fair before but this year we went. This year, we enjoyed all that a fair can be. Even Snowflake! Pictures later.... but this photo taken as we were leaving at 11PM ON A SCHOOL NIGHT! says it all, "The fair is FUN!" Maybe in 10 years, we'll do it again.

On a totally different train of thought, today is October 15, a day when many around the world stop to remember. There are several days to "celebrate" the lives of babies that are not that are not here anymore. It really depends on which circle you run with I suppose but a group I belong to posted this today:

As I spend the day making cookies with Glitter, Snowflake, and Gem, I think of the 2 and 5 years olds that should be running around our feet...... I am so grateful for those that I hold here and I anxiously await the reunion with those that I have to wait to hold again.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Really neat

I've always thought that maybe I was born in the wrong decade..... nope, there are others out there: Another Year Without Groceries.

I have a secret (or not so secret?) desire to live totally off the grid and be long haired hippie.... of sorts. Gotta have a bath everyday and I'm not into drugs and that side of the lifestyle but the whole, "whatever man" approach to life really appeals to me. Not that you'd know that from the way I choose to live my life or anything..... yeah, my inner drive to be a responsible citizen, mom, teacher, and whatever else tends to keep me in line but I often think that IF I weren't those things.... I'd be living on a commune off the grid and floating through my day tending the land and sewing my own clothes and going barefoot through the wildflowers in bloom.... one can dream.

Anyhow, this family is doing something that I think is a good compromise, albeit a tough compromise, between my unrealistic mind-wandering and the everyday life that I must be responsible for. Their project intrigues me.

By the way, there is a reason I did not include "responsible Christian" in that list! I wholeheartedly believe that a Christian should be a good steward of ALLLLL of our resources (not just tithe a bit on Sunday) and we should therefore be leading the way on sustainability, healthy, and frugal living instead of setting new standards of opulence and over indulgence..... just a soap box thought for ya. I say this as I clear away mounds of unnecessary accumulated junk from my house..... and yeah, I'm feeling guilty about the zucchini that is molding in my fridge drawer because I totally forgot about it..... ummmm, maybe I'll put it in the compost bin today so I'll feel less guilty tomorrow? It's a start anyhow.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Facebook is my friend.....

when I'm looking to NOT do what I'm supposed to do. :D But, sometimes I find little nuggets of wisdom wrapped up in humor..... here's what I've gleaned this week that makes me laugh, grimace, repent, and re-focus:

Electron says this is me everyday, hmmmm, think I need some self-re-evalution, huh?

My heart's cry.....

Hehehe, you DO know my husband, right?

My BIG hero, and my BIGGER Hero.

I love grammar..... just not capitalization :)

I WILL, I WILL, I WILL! make these with my children!

He was pretty smart, wasn't he?

I get sooooooo lost in those eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!