Sunday, December 20, 2009


Glitter's basketball team is going to be fun to coach this year. I have never coached girls before and it is a challenge but I think they are going to be very good. Electron is all ready evangelizing on his team making sure everyone knows Jesus. Sue came up for a week and spent an early christmas with us the kids were completely enthralled. Although looks like we are not going to be getting the house in Walkertown we still have a very fun week. The one pic of Glitter reminded us of the little spoiled girl in Willie Wonka that kept demanding things from her dad. We went out to Peace's grave today and put some flowers down in the snow. We know she is not there and never was there, she is dancing with Jesus and we long for the day we get to join her.

What fun we got about 5 inches of snow friday and saturday and went sledding at Guilford on campus. Jon and his kids came with us and we had a blast for about 2 hours. Then mommie and Glitter went to the nutcracker a dream of Melissa's for years to go with her daughter. Also Glitter's 9th bday party.